ismail shah beryali 's Profile
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Business Listings make money from home if some one wants to work from home and earn money.then you can earn money from home.we have 3 kinds of data entry captcha is simple typing work.our 3 projects have a different earning rate like 1st one is qlink this project you c... NORMAL USE LAPTOP DELL D600 GOOD CONDITION INTEL CENTRION PROCESSOR 1.6 Ghz Ram 512 MB 40 GB Hard Disk DVD ROM LAN,MODEM WITH WIFI SCREEN SIZE 14 INCH BATTERY TIMING 1:00 HOUR PLUS GOOD CONDITION SMART DEMANT RS.12,500 WARRANTY TIME.1 week checking Warranty MODAL NO: DELL LATITUDE ... Dolphin bakers very famous bakery of quetta city.first branch at swiss plaza jinnah road.Deals in sweets and all bakery products. Strategic Systems International, Lahore Founded in 1991, Strategic Systems International (SSI) provides world class software development services to software companies, enterprises, information providers, business services firms and consulting companies. With offices and partners in the US... Aesthetics Cosmetic And Liposuction Centre All procedures performed at Aesthetics Cosmetic Center include evaluation of the problem and the medical status of the client, thorough counseling and final decision making about the best suitable mode of treatment. Follow up and personalized attenti... |