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Business Listings District headquarter Hospital District headquarter Hospital AIMS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS AIMS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS +92-51-2251922 House#9 , Street# 49 , F-8/4, Islamabad Owned By: Almas Ayub Sabir University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (UET) The University of Engineering and Technology (main) located in the northern part of Lahore on the historical "Grand Trunk Road (G.T. Road)", near the magnificent Shalimar Gardens built during the great Mughal Empire. The institution started its care... Imported Vitz 1000 cc for sale Fully automatic, alloy rims, radial tyre, Android DVD, multimedia steering, Pakistan arrival in December 2017, front illuminators, all side sensors and much more. Shiza Travel & Tours (Pvt) Ltd. International & Domestic Tickets of All Airlines, Visa Assist Facilitation & Processing, Business, Incentive, Leisure, Religious & Group Travel, Sight Seeing & Inbound/Outbound Tours, Hajj, Ummrah & Vacation Packages, Hotel Reservation / Accommodatio... |