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Business Listings Sindbad Hotel Multan, Multan Sindbad Hotel Multan is one of the finest place and a 3 star hotel in central Multan city. It has almost 40 pleasing to the eye Rooms having attached bath with hot & cold water facility. The Hotel is the preeminent option for tourists just after Holi... Suzuki Motors Quetta Deals in all types of suzuki vehicles,situated at Air port road. Five Rivers Technologies, Lahore FiveRivers Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd. is an IT company based in Lahore, Pakistan focused on providing outsourced technology services to a variety of international customers. With ISO:9001 certification FiveRivers offers the best balance between process... Sariab Police Station Police station situated on Sariab road near Sada bahar bus terminal, covers the Sariab road area. Metro Cash & Carry Thokar Niaz Baig Lahore Metro Cash & Carry is a German based shopping mall chain in Pakistan. You can find each type of house hold as well as small industrial type instruments from here. It is situated on bank of Lahore canal near Thokar Niaz Baig. It has multiple entrance ... |