MoU signed between two universities of Pakistan and Turkey

  • October 8, 2013, 9:22 pm
  • Education News

Mardan, Oct. 08 (Online): A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM) and Tayyip Erdogan University Turkey (TEUT), a Turkey’s renowned university, here on Tuesday.

According to a Press Release, in the light of this MoU, both the universities would collaborate to promote research and students from both sides would greatly benefit from the advanced libraries, seminars and conferences of both the universities. This will also provide an opportunity for the students and faculty on both sides to exchange visits.

The universities will also initiate joint degree programs under the umbrella of this MoU. This agreement is valid till three years however, both the universities upon mutual consent, could extend the duration of the agreement.

On behalf of AWKUM the MoU was signed by the Vice Chancellor AWKUM, Prof. Dr. Ihsan Ali while from the other side, Hussain Karaman, Vice Rector Tayyip Erdogan University, signed it on behalf of the TEUT.

Prof. Dr. Ihsan Ali said on the occasion that this MoU is a milestone in the field of research not only for both the brotherly states but also for the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the step would immensely facilitate both the universities.