Moderate arthquake rocks Turbat, Khuzdar

  • October 18, 2013, 7:52 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA oct 18 (PPI): Moderate intensity earthquakes rocked Turbat and Khuzdar Friday evening.
Seismic Centre Islamabad told PPI by telephone that an earthquake of 5.1 magnitude jolted Turbat at 1812 hours this evening. Its epicenter was located 122 Km east of Turbat. It was 10 Km deep.
Another earthquake of 5.6 intensity rocked Khuzdar and surroundings including Zehri at 1818 hours. Its epicenter lied 66 Km North of Khuzdar. It was also 10 km deep.
Moderate intensity tremor created fear and panic in Khuzdar and other areas who came out of their homes and other place. There were reports of cracks in kutcha houses. There was no report of any casualty or injury to any body.