Saleem Khan Tanoli nominated as Chairman of FPCCI’s Regional Committee on Fairs, Exhibitions and Trade Delegations

  • November 22, 2013, 2:13 pm
  • National News

KARACHI Nov 20 (INP): The Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI), has nominated Mr. Saleem Khan Tanoli, Chief Executive Officer, FAKT Exhibitions as Chairman of FPCCI’s Regional Standing Committee on “ Fairs, Exhibitions and Trade Delegations”, for the year 2013.

Mr. Azhar Saeed Butt, Central VP / Regional Chairman FPCCI said that Mr. Saleem was nominated based on his experience and expertise in the exhibition industry.

Accepting this new role, Mr. Saleem stated, “I have many ideas and plans to strengthen our industry through exhibitions and I believe this new role will certainly help me in gratifying these plans.”