AIOU to bring improvement in academic research work

  • December 2, 2013, 6:33 pm
  • Education News

ISLAMABAD, Dec 02 (Online): Board of Advanced Studies and Research (BASR) of the Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has decided to take necessary measures to improve the academic research work at M.Phil and Ph.D level.

It was decided in a 2-day meeting held here under the presiding of Vice-Chancellor (VC) (AIOU) Prof. Dr. Nazir Sangi. On this occasion VC advised the officers to hold quarterly meetings of BARS to evaluate the research work in systemic manner.
He emphasized that the academic research should be relevant to the national problems that help to seek their solutions.

The board noted that most of the proposals, put forth by the relevant faculties were up to the mark, however in some cases improvement was suggested by the Board members.
On this occasion, Chairman BASR Dr. Hamid Khan Niazi also briefed the committee about the details of the research work of various departments.