Governor?s message on Population Day

  • July 10, 2014, 10:53 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA July 10 (PPI): July 11 is observed as Population Day in the world. Objective to observe the day is to create awareness about negative impacts of population on the society and it should be seen how much population should be and how much not.
This was stated by Balochistan Governor Muhammad Khan Achakzai in his message on Population Day being observed today (July 11) in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.
Speedily growing population is a serious issue for Pakistan. Population planning is must for prosperity of population. Though whole world is confronted with this problem but progressing countries have great significance of it. He aid our country is also a progressing country. The way our population was increasing speedily it is necessary people from all walks of life should realize their responsibilities and extend help to Population Welfare Department to control this growth. There is need we should take coordinated and effective measures to extend population welfare programme to all the people. Importance of population welfare programme increases specifically for Balochistan because being massive area without facility of health and education development is impossible.
He said we have to change out thinking. Keeping population growth at balance we can overcome problems. By hard work and deification we have to bring our province at par with other provinces and we have to extend opportunities of health and education not only citifies but in our rural areas as well.