2 truck drivers looted along national highway

  • November 17, 2014, 9:20 pm
  • Breaking News

SIBI Nov 16 (PPI): Two truck drivers were waylaid near Notal along Sibi-Jacobabad section of national highway Sunday.
According to details three highway men snatched vehicle documents, three mobile phones, cash of Rupees six thousand from Driver Javaid of Truck No. TKE- 381. Truck was going to Bahawalpur form Quetta at Haji Bakhsh tower near Notal.
Similarly Jamal Khan driver truck no.TKH-872 which was going to Sargodha from Quetta was also deprived of documents, mobile phone and rupees 22 thousand in cash.
Local administration started investigation but no arrest was reported when last reports came in.