National Human Rights policy

  • January 8, 2015, 10:46 am
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Jan 7 (PPI); Balochistan Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch has said resources of nations, culture and languages should be given constitutional cover in the country. People of Balochistan have to wage big struggle about human rights.
He expressed these views while addressing a meeting on National Human Rights Policy organised by SPO here Wednesday.
He said being a political worker he has struggled for human rights. Common man in Balochistan has to give all its basic rights including awareness about health and education so that exploitative strata or influential people may not usurp their rights.
Dr Malik Baloch said interior of Balochistan is still deprived of impacts of 21st Century where there is hunger, poverty and illiteracy. He said after long political struggle provinces got rights still we have to struggle for complete control and right over our all resources. He said organisations and workers working for human rights should support provincial government during ongoing drive for betterment of education.