
  • February 21, 2015, 10:13 pm
  • Breaking News

TURBAT Feb 21 (PPI): Balochistan Chief Ministers Dr Abdul Malik Baloch has said that present provincial government would not tolerate spoiling of merit in the province and sifrshi elements would be discouraged at every forum. This eh said while addressing Councilors fo National Party here Saturday.
He said faulty policies of previous governments and sifarishi culture has caused negative impacts on educational institutions. Government in office realizing its responsibilities has started reform process and sufficient steps were being taken for improving education including training of teachers and improving curriculum.
He said holding of NTS for appointments in educational institutions depicts there is no difference in the saying and deed of the government. These steps would increase confidence of our youth.
He aid we have to pledge first of all we would set right our work then criticize others. Any society which ignores its misdeeds cannot travel on journey to development.
Referring to one and half years of performance of his government Malik Baloch said that clear improvement in law and order situation and constitution of districts governments show provincial government was heading in right direction.
He aid fulfilling it s promise government has devolved power to grassroots level. He said with constitution of district government now every union council has got representation and councilors in their respective areas can submit development schemes to the provincial government in consultation with heads of local bodies.
He told Councilors that our performance of and half years before you. It there is any lapse it would be pointed out so that we could improve it.
Mayor Municipal Corporation Turbat Qazi Ghualm Rasool said performance of the government in one and half years is praise worthy. Establishment of local bodies institutions would help resolve people problems.