CDA auctions different billboards sites
- September 19, 2013, 8:01 pm
- National News
Islamabad, September 19 (Online): On the directions of Chairman Capital Development Authority (CDA) Nadeem Hassan Asif, Municipal Administration Directorate of the authority has auctioned different billboards sites installed at different locations of Islamabad. Twenty six (26) bill boards’ sites were auctioned for Rs. 78.15 million.
This auction was supervised by a committee comprising of Director Municipal Administration and officers of Audit and Finance wing of the authority. In order to ensure maximum participation and to eradicate monopoly of particular mafia, officers of Security Directorate were also present during auction proceedings.
Auction was participated by large number of people and different companies. The amount received from auction was more than expectations. Fifteen (15) bill boards which were auctioned are located along the Express Way, six (6) along the Kashmir Highway and five (5) along the I J Principal road.
Chairman CDA, Nadeem Hassan Asif has appreciated the active participation of public and said that CDA has taken effective steps in order to ensure merit and transparency in the authority and particularly uninhibited participation of general public in such auctions.
He further said that that the participation of general public in this auction shows that such steps of the authority has not only raised confidence of public but also enhanced the credibility of the authority.