CM- Resolution

  • March 6, 2015, 10:21 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Mar 6 (PPI): Balchistna chief Minsite rd rAbdul Malik Balcoh has said that OGDCL, PPL and sui Southern Gas Company are responsible for lawlessnessin the province. These Companies meted out East India behavior with Balochistan and were not giving rights to the province.
He was speaking on a resolution about shifting of Central office e of SSGC to Quetta in Balochistan Assembly Friday.
He said responsibility of fire in Balochistan lies with these three companies. After passage of 18th amendment every province has been accorded 50 percent right over its natural resources. If any one denies 18 th amendment he does not accept constitution of Pakistan.
He aid we would take up matter of rights of our province at the CCI and NFC meeting to be held on March 18 . He aid in major parts of Balochistan there is no water, electricity and gas. Even Sui from where gas is mined people have nto bee provided with this facility. All political parties have to adopt unanimous course of action .
He agreed with Jan Muhammad Jamali?s contention that a committee of MPAs should be constituted to resolve problems of federal departments about Balochistan and submits its recommendations to provincial government.
He said OGDC had sought permission for exploration of oil and gas in the province but he refused first previous arrears should be paid to the province then oil and gas exploration should be started.
Earlier Sadrar Akhtar Mengal strongly protested stopping Mama Qadeer and Farzana Majeed at Karachi airport and including hem in ECL and said near and ear one of the elope were not recovered by the government but provincial government should at least approach Federal government to remove their names from ECL.
Later BA session was adjourned till March 9.