CM-Zamindar Action committee
- April 8, 2015, 10:35 am
- Breaking News
QUETTA(PPI): Balochistan Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch has said provincial government has declared current year as year of growers, livestock holders and fishermen. Development of these sectors would help end poverty and backwardness from the province.
He said this while speaking to a delegation of Zamindar Action Committee here Tuesday.
Provincial Ministers Sarfraz Bugti, Abdul Rahim Ziaratwal, Aslam Bizenjo and MPA Dur Muhammad Nassar were also present.
Dr Malik Baloch said government would hold a convention of experts associated with these sectors in Quetta to create awareness among people belonging to these sectors. Progressive farmers from all the districts would participate.
He said Balochistan is faced with continued depletion of underground water. There is need to use minimum water and produce maximum fruits and other produce by increasing capability of growers according to modern age requirements.
He said major population is dependent of livestock in the province. Government would also take measures for guiding livestock holders and better developing cattle heads.
Chief Minister said special attention would be paid on fishery sector for training of fishermen, marketing of fish and its packing according to international standard and maximum produce, far mining and development.
He said better guidance of those associated with these sectors, increasing their capability and awareness to benefit from modern demands would not only end poverty and backwardness form Balochistan but the province and the country would be self sufficient in crops, fruits and meat and their export would help earn sizeable foreign exchange.
Malik Baloch added there are vast opportunities for investment in these sectors. Private sector has to play its role. He aid tow projects would also be launched for cutting wool and standard processing and packing with Australian assistance in the province while steps would also be taken for restoration of natural grazing lands. He said federal government has also assured possible cooperation for the uplift of these sectors. He said suggestions of zamindars, fishermen and livestock holders would also be sought and growers, fishermen and animal holders would also be given prizes for giving better results.