Anti-measles drive launched all over Balochistan Anti-measles vaccine to be administered to over 3.5 million children from six months to ten years of age

  • April 13, 2015, 7:01 pm
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: The Provincial Health Department launched 12-day anti-measles campaign onMonday in the province including Quetta.
The campaign would remain continued till April 25, 201.
The Secretary Health, Noorul Haq Baloch told that the anti-measles vaccine would be administered to 3.55 million children from six months to ten years of age during the campaign.
The Chief Minister has allocated Rs. 137 million for the campaign, he mentioned.
In all 94 mobile teams comprising trained health workers had been constituted for vaccination of children in addition to 2158 out reach teams would be taking part in the vital campaign. Moreover, the vaccination would also be administered at 493 fixed points during the campaign, he maintained.
The Secretary Health expressed his concern over prevalence of the measles disease in the province.
He said that the government is seriously taking steps to rid the province of the virus through the collaborative efforts.
He said that the present government is determined to rid the province of the fatal diseases and so the measles and polio, which otherwise are playing havoc with the lives of children.
The government wants to establish healthy Balochistan for all available resources are being mobilized, he maintained.
He urged the people particularly the parents to fully cooperate with the health workers during the campaign and ensure immunization of their children against the disease.