Armed men snatch 60 cattle heads form 6 minor shepherds
- July 25, 2015, 10:44 pm
- Breaking News
CHATTAR (PPI): Armed motorcyclists snatched over 60 animals including cows and oxen and more than 40 sheep and goat in Police station Chattar area from six minor shepherds.
Armed men contacted relatives and warned them to leave the area or their dead bodies would be given as gift to their heirs.
According to details armed men snatched animals from the site from where more than 30 police men were abducted and killed few years ago and their bodies were thrown in the mountains along with six minor children who were grazing these animals.
Sources said armed men contacted relatives through modern communication means and warned them if they want their children’s life, they should leave the area or they would receive dead bodies of their children.
Relatives took Holy Book Quran and left for the place along with their women to seek release of children.