Mir Rehmat Saleh Baloch says: NP believes in public service without any discrimination
- July 25, 2015, 10:46 pm
- Breaking News
HQ City Report
QUETTA: The senior leader of National Party and Provincial Minister for Health, Mir Rehmat Saleh Baloch has stated that his party and the government believes in public service without any discrimination.
He was talking to different delegations from different areas of the province, who called on him here the other day.
Mir Rehmat Baloch regretfully pointed out that the development activities were just limited in the province on papers, however, the same are looking on ground now.
A large number of people are benefitting from the development process initiated in the province under leadership of the Chief Minister, Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch, he maintained.
He said that it is commitment of the provincial government to develop the province and work for well being of its people, and for the purpose, all available resources are being mobilized.
He charged that all he provincial government departments had been paralyzed in the past, but it was the present government that made them operational and effective. We are serving the cause of the province and its people without any discrimination, he added.
Nevertheless, the present coalition government has taken practical measures for provision of facilities of education, health and others as well as for maintenance of law and order.
He said that huge allocations have been made for health and education sectors in the province. The results of the initiatives taken in different key sectors are coming before, he said.
While we have taken steps for development of different sectors, we would continue to do so in future as well, he pledged further.