BISE announces schedule of F.A /F.Sc. annual exams

  • December 29, 2015, 11:15 am
  • Education News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: The Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Quetta has announced that the annual examinations of F.A / F.Sc. are scheduled to begin April 26, 2016.
This was announced in an official hand out issued here the other day.
According to the hand out, the examination forms without any late fee could be submitted by January 29, 2016.
With late fee of Rs. 200, the examination forms could be submitted by February 10, 2016 while with double and the triple the prescribed fee, the forms could be submitted by February 22, 2016 and March 4, 2016 respectively, as has been mentioned in the hand out.
It may also be mentioned here that the BISE Quetta has already announced the schedule of the annual examinations of Matriculation / Secondary School Certificate (SSC).
According to the schedule, the SSC’s annual examinations are scheduled to commence from February 26, 2016 in the province.