Minister: (Education is basic right of each and every child: Dr Tariq)

  • April 2, 2016, 6:55 pm
  • Education News


Minister of State for Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) Dr. Tariq Fazal Chaudhary has said that education is

basic right of each and every child and government is doing its best to fulfill the constitutional obligation to ensure basic education of every

He stated this during his address at a ceremony to inaugurate the Drive for the Enrollment of Out of School Children. He said every child in Islamabad will be enrolled in the school. A special incentive package will be announced for children enrolled in the schools under this drive so that they may continue their education, he continued.

He emphasized that we will have to ensure the implementation of law to eradicate child labour and bring Out of School Children back to schools. He said such enrollment drives should be initiated in every nook and corner of the country so that every child who is not attending school may be enrolled in schools.

Around twelve thousands Out of Schools Children in Islamabad will be enrolled in schools during this enrollment drive. A field survey under Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) was conducted to locate Out of School Children in ICT in 2015.

The findings of the survey revealed that there were 11835 out of school children. On the basis of the outcome of the survey these Out of School Children are being enrolled in the formal education system. Current enrollment drive will continue for one month.