459profile visits
Business Listings Jamia Ashrafia Lahore Jamia Ashrafia, Lahore a premier seat of Islamic learning was founded by an extremely pious dignitary Maulana Mufti Muhammad Hassan (RA) in September 1947, soon zafter the creation of Pakistan; and since then it has been serving the cause of Islamic ... Prince Burger All kinds of Burger available here Jamia masjid Darurashad this masjid situated at jaffar khan jamali road chaman phatk quetta.khateeb masjib Dr.Atturehman,who is also running a hospital Alhajri,alkhidmat hospital.founder of the Masjid is Molana abdul aziz father of Dr Attaurehman Quddusi Trading Co. It's one of the oldest departmental store at corner of Meezan chowk.go and buy all household goods.best place for one window shoping. Cadet College Jhang Cadet College Jhang was established on 10th September 2007. Our institution is structured on the pattern of a Military Cadet College to achieve excellence in all areas of Secondary and College level education. Our objective is to provide quality ed... |