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Business Listings Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre Over the past decade, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre has established itself as a centre of excellence providing comprehensive care free of cost to thousands of indigent cancer patients. This pioneering, state-of-the-art hos... JINNAH COMPUTER CENTER QUETTA ."come to gain and leave to serve" Jinnah Science Coaching Center New Killi Quetta ,Presented JINNAH COMPUTER CENTER...... Addmission are open... form 15 August 2013 under the supervion of highly qualified teachers from karachi and Quetta. So why ur... Hotel Mehran, Karachi Mehran Hotel is a 3 star hotel located on main Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi near to central down town. The hotel is conveniently located close to all the major 5 star hotels. Mehran Hotel offers best services with an uncompromising level of satisfaction ... Dolphin bakers very famous bakery of quetta city.first branch at swiss plaza jinnah road.Deals in sweets and all bakery products. Unique bakers(mannan chowk) unique bakers have two branches in quetta,one of which at mannan chowk.Deals in all bakery products but speciality is fresh cream cake and pastry. |