M_Hussain bugti's Husband Wife SMS SMS
No SMS available to show here.Business Listings Jinnah Hospital Lahore Jinnah hospital is 1250 bed teaching hospital with 114% bed occupancy. It is attached to Allam Iqbal Medical College, Lahore. It has got almost all the specialties in the medical field. In this part of the world, Jinnah hospital is providing medic... Mehran Vxr 2005 good condition demand 2,99000 Mehran Vxr 2005 white colour CNG , ac needs gas fillings , no work required at all , good car for family use , all documents & Cplc cleared with original no plates , only serious buyer contact on 0345-2433199 NEW iPod Touch 3G 8GB. Excellent Condition (Check Picture) 9.5/10 Condition Screen Protector is still intact Origina Accessories include: -Charger -Charging Cable -Headphones Contact Person: yousaf jarral Sabrina Restaurant it's good place for fast food lovers JINNAH COMPUTER CENTER QUETTA ."come to gain and leave to serve" Jinnah Science Coaching Center New Killi Quetta ,Presented JINNAH COMPUTER CENTER...... Addmission are open... form 15 August 2013 under the supervion of highly qualified teachers from karachi and Quetta. So why ur... |