jaleel hussain's Eid Mubarak SMS
No SMS available to show here.Business Listings CAFE XO Among the countless blessings of God Almighty the sense of taste has distinguished value because it is the major source to enjoy the foods.Vigour and hygiene of the human body depends upon the quality and taste of food. After years of hard work we ha... NIST - National Institute of Skilled Training The NIST is one of the leading institutes in Pakistan providing skilled education and professional careers to the youth. Dell Precision 470 Dual Processor 3.0 GHZ (4MB CACHE) Want to sale My Dell 470 (MINI TOWER) (CHEAPEST) (URGENT SALE) Dual PROCESSORS 3.0 = 3.0 + 3.0 = 6.0 GHZ EACH PROCESSOR 2MB CACHE = 2 +2 = 4MB CACHE POWERFUL PROCESSORS AND 4MB CACHE MEMORY Mother Board Original Intel E7525 (Dual Core Xeon Supporte... Sakhi Hotel Sakhi hotel is the new name of pakistan Hotel. Sariab Police Station Police station situated on Sariab road near Sada bahar bus terminal, covers the Sariab road area. |