No SMS available to show here.Business Listings Xeon Dual Core 8Mb Cache Dell Precision 490 Xeon Dual Core 8Mb Cache Dell Precision 490 Processor(s) - 2 x INTEL XEON 2.33GHZ DUAL CORE PROCESSORS Cache - 4 Mb Each Processor Total 4 4=8 Mb Memory - 2 Gb DDR-2 FB Ecc MEMORY FULLY BUFFERED MEMORY (SUPPORTS UP TO 32GB RAM) Hard Drive(s) -... Iqra University Quetta Iqra University is honored to have been chartered by the Government of Sindh vide Sindh Government Ordinance No.VI of 2000. It has campuses in all four provinces of Pakistan and also collaborates with reputed foreign institutes. It provides a range o... District headquarter Hospital District headquarter Hospital UMART departmental store PCSIR Phase 2, Lahore UMART departmental store is located in PCSIR house society phase 2. We provide all kind of house hold goods to our valued customers Free Home deleviry with Society Area Domestic Reverse Osmosis RO Water Filter 03355070122 0335-5070122 We are Importer, Manufacturer and Service Provider of Water Treatment Plants, Domestic & Commercial Reverse Osmosis Systems, Water Filters, Water Softener, Chemicals and Swimming Pool Equipment. 0321-5070122 ... |