SMS Mania
It's the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the change.
It's the heart afraid of breaking ... that never learns to dance.
Boys say it's great, boys say it's fine. 9 months later they say it's not mine !
Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world - Nelson Mandela
Death is the greatest kick of all. That's why they save it for last!
Don't drink and drive home!! Take a joint and fly home!!
Home is where the heart is born, lives and dies but still goes on !
Stoners live and stoners die, but in the end we all get high. So if at first you don't succeed, fuck this world and smoke some weed.
If you really wanna get stoned, drink wet cement.
Shit happens, life goes on!
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