SMS Mania
FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn'T Be BoUgHt Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd iS FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd~!
Friendship is a sheltering tree.
Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be the most beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something powerful, a gift of great value!
FRIENDSHIP isn't how U forGet but how U forGive, Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand, Not what U see but how U feel, and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!!
Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs.
GOD is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with pricetags, Because..... if He did, I can't afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!!!
Good frenz are like quilts... it never loses its warmth...
Good frenz are like quilts... it never loses its warmth...
Happiness is a disaster. You get lazy. When you do not pay attention, you might start loving life.
He was very lonely. The only type he knew was his blood type.
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