SMS Mania
Business Listings Aesthetics Cosmetic And Liposuction Centre All procedures performed at Aesthetics Cosmetic Center include evaluation of the problem and the medical status of the client, thorough counseling and final decision making about the best suitable mode of treatment. Follow up and personalized attenti... Dell Precision 470 Dual Processor 3.0 GHZ (4MB CACHE) Want to sale My Dell 470 (MINI TOWER) (CHEAPEST) (URGENT SALE) Dual PROCESSORS 3.0 = 3.0 + 3.0 = 6.0 GHZ EACH PROCESSOR 2MB CACHE = 2 +2 = 4MB CACHE POWERFUL PROCESSORS AND 4MB CACHE MEMORY Mother Board Original Intel E7525 (Dual Core Xeon Supporte... sale a laptop i want sale my laptop,,,NEC ,,,,,80gb hard disk,,1gb ram,,2800+1.60 processor,,,,,dvd room.....only sound problem,,,my demond 17000,,,,rupees Khayber Hotel (PVT) LTD A.C Rooms are Available 021-32252089 Idarahe Husne Khat Academy Quetta The idarahe husne khat academy is situated in asif road near bilal mecongi road Quetta . This academy is good for learning English and Urdu hand writting with in just two months . In two month cource you will be having a good hand writting . This ac... |